Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How Fast They Grow!

Happy New Year!

Last year was a very good year for me and I want to thank all of my previous clients once more for the opportunities. I hope this year is as much fun or even more so than last and I hope to see some previous clients as well as the new ones.

During what I call my "sort of slow" period, when I'm not very busy with photography, I like to reflect on the previous year, think about what I can change for the better and do some comparisons between last years photography and years prior. One of the things I noticed while doing this comparison is just how fast a child grows and changes in just one year.

The first two photo above are of my daughter Caitlin on December 2007. The other one is just one year before and WOW! Look how much she has changed in just one year. It amazes me! They grow up so fast!
She is such a great baby (Thank God). I can photograph her all day every day and I won't tire! She's a very good subject too and when Daddy picks up his camera, she lights right up with little or no coaxing. That's my girl! She's a natural.
One day, I will hand down my "empire" to her and she will take over the viewfinder. Of course, as soon as she is ready I'm gonna teach her all about photography and in no time at all she'll surpass me. She is extremely smart, just like her Mom.

Well, at least that's how I view her future. Let's see if it actually happens like that. :-)

Not much more to share with you all right now, but I wanted to show off the latest photos of my daughter.

Next up, I'll be sharing some Winter wedding photos that I took on December 29th.

Check back soon!
Beauty Discovered.

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