Monday, November 12, 2007

So many Images...So little Time

Geez! Where do I start? I have thousands of images that I want to share but I can't show them all. I guess I'll just start from the time I "Officially" opened up shop. I am new to this Blogging thing so (until I catch up to present day) there are going to be a few late entries. Bear with me. I will do my best to post about once a week and keep this up to date. Here goes...

On February 17, 2007 I shot a Quinceanera for a girl named Xiomy. For those of you who don't know what a Quinceanera's a Sweet 15 birthday celebration. The Hispanic community celebrates their daughter's 15th birthday as the Americans celebrate their daughter's Sweet 16th birthday. It's a lot like a wedding in a sense because there is a court of couples that are part of the celebration. There are a number of mini ceremonies during the night and a ton of opportunities for photography.

I had the best time and Gladys (Xiomy's Mom) was very accommodating and posed for pictures even though she didn't really want to. She's one of those people who does not like to be photographed.

I met some very nice people there, the food was great and the party was awesome.
Here are my favorite shots of the night.

Thank you Gladys! I had a great time! Enjoy your photo album Xiomy!

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